The White mobile suit versus the red mobile suits in a reverse harem anime XD The Witch from Mercury episode 3 impression



The third episode of Gundam Witch From Mercury started with Sulleta and Miorine talking in the corridor about the next duel. Sulleta told Miorine about her 'what to do list: while attending the academy like getting friends, sharing contact number with her friends, calling her bestie with a short name, and one last thing "to get a date" which she said in a whisper due to her embarrassment. She said that if she married, there will be no way to finish her lists. However, Miorine told her that the marriage between them would not happen right away because of their age limitation. Miorine told her that getting into the earth and run away from the academy were her goal at the moment so she didn't really care if Sulleta date someone else. Therefore, she asked Sulleta to promise her and stick with her as her fiancée till the day when she could escape happen. In the other place, Guel who was inspecting the new mobile suit  Darilbalde, found something that really tick him off. He noticed that the red mobile suit had a built in Artificial Intelligence that enable it to moved by itself. He spoke angrily to the maintenance crew for not trusting his piloting skills until his father came and slapped him. Vim argued that his pride was childish because in the next match, the win was more important than anything and the company's future rest in the next outcome.

Promise me you will be my only groom

Back to our Heroine, she was talking to her mother using a mobile phone. Sulleta asked why the people from Bennerit kept calling Aerial as Gundam and they also considered her as a witch. Her mother calmly said that she never raised a witch and she would always be her precious daughter. The camera moved to her mother's table and there was lady Prospera's helmet on it. She met with Vim Jeturk later and gave away a USB drive that contained the proof of Vim's plan on assassinating Delling. That was the main reason why Vim didn't complain about the mobile suit duel proposal because she technically blackmail him before the council meeting. In the next scene, Sulleta met with Nika Nanaura again and the short haired girl instantly asked her about the Aerial's specification until Guel and his friends came. Guel asked her to prepare for their next match and Sulleta unknowingly told Guel that she felt relieve to battle him again. It made Guel felt annoyed because Sulleta seem to underestimate him. Sulleta, who realized that she choose a wrong words, instantly told them that she had to go. 

The word "date" was mentioned because she was jealous of the possibility someone else dating her groom

Scene moved to Shaddiq Sennely who was talking with his father over the phone. He already got the intel that lady Prospera was Sulleta's mother and the reason she wore a mask was because of the accident in Mercury that making her losing her arm and eye (although in the scene before we see no problem with her eye. Maybe she got artificial eye). The only thing that Shaddiq didn't know was about the mystery of Gundam Aerial maker because there were no mechanics on that place not to mention the amount of  funding capable to develop a machinery as advanced as Aerial in Planet Mercury. On the next scene, we saw Sulleta gave fertilizer to Miorine at her garden until someone came. It was Elan Ceres; the man who gave Miorine some food before. Miorine told Suletta that this man was no ordinary student but one of the dueling committee  which means he was also a capable pilot. Elan asked Suleta her contact information so he could contact her easier. At the next scene, Sulleta was summoned to the dueling commute room and she was greeted by Shaddiq Sennely. Inside the room, there was also Guel Jeturk who still looked so pissed with her.  Elan asked both Guel and Sulleta to perform the oath before the duel. After the oath performance over, Cecilia, one of the dueling committee sarcastically said hat Guel was so lucky since he had a high position person as a father that the last duel outcome was voided. Sulleta suddenly said that it was wrong to make fun of a person who accepted a duel and did not run away. In the lift, Guel asked Sulleta why did she try to preserve his pride and did not mock him instead. Suleta said that it was her mother who told her. If you run away you can only find safety but if you move forward you may get two things.; Recognition and Experience. 

Using very advance A.I. The Darilbalde could use the bits to protect it's weak spot.. very neat

The battle between Aerial and Darilbalde started and viewed by the entire academy. During the first phase of the battle, the Darilbalde could evade any shot from aerial's beam riffle but it seemed that the computer took majority of the control. Guel felt so frustrated that despite how well the red mobile suit perform, it was the machine itself that work and decided the best route on its own. While Sulleta shoot using a beam rifle, suddenly the heat detector unit showered the room making the beam rifle useless. Since the rifle use heat as its element, the water made it got weaker and vanished before it contacted the target. Miorine who noticed that something when amiss asked Elan to stop the duel because someone should had tempering the heat detector which making it started although there were no fire accident in the arena. Elan said that he could not postpone the duel because of someone cheating due to the fact that any dueler who got advantages because he/she had  more proficient backup would not get penalized. Miorine understand that Sulleta also had her own backup. Miorine called Suleta through the mobile phone..she told her to survive from Guel's attack while she tried to solve the problem with the heat detector. After that, she went and rode a mobile worker like machine and head to the area where the heat detector control panel located. Using that machine, she managed to get to the area and found out the the two girls who always accompanied Guel were there; making the heat detector started.

Bare handed blade block the mech edition

Back to Sulleta, Miorine suddenly called her that the problem was no more and she could use the beam rifle again. After that Sulleta started to fight back using her Aerial's best weaponry; the Fin funnel like weapon. Once again Aerial proved to be a formidable opponent and started to rain the red mobile suit with its funnel blasting. The barrage was so strong that even with the most advanced Artificial intelligence, it still managed to broke the arms of the red mobile suit. It was at that crucial time that Vim contacted Guel and asked him to finish the the battle A.S.A.P. Guel asked why did his father had to cheat in order to win but his father only told that the result was the most important thing neither pride nor even dignity. Guel got angry and broke the artificial intelligence. He took the control  back from the A.I. and as Sulleta  almost hit his mobile suit using its beam saber, he managed to use the unit extra bits to be its finger and hold the beam saber from destroying his unit's antenna. With his pride at stake, he pushed Aerial back using every willpower that he had. As he managed to threw the Aerial, Sulleta pushed the Gundam back after regaining its momentum and managed to destroy the Darilbalde antenae. Once again the Aerial Gundam won the duel and as Sulleta noticed that Guel had just exiting his mobile suits, she opened the hatch as well. She told him that she was sorry for underestimating him before and she told him that he was strong. While saying so, she extended her hand for a hand shaking. To her surprise, at that moment Guel asked her to marry him.



This was a great episode overall and it had so many things to cover that it got so much to write about lol. It managed to balance the drama and the mobile suit battle. And the good thing was the battle had a decent amount of time. Not to mention that quality of the battle was incredible and quite intense for such a limited time. The first thing that happened in this episode was about the revelation of Sulleta's mother as lady Prospera. Actually it was never a surprise for me due to one thing. The lady Prospera and her mother shared the same voice actress. Even some people in the net already guessed it before and didn't feel like it was a big revelation lol. It was not a brainer but with her appearance as the "masked" person (or Char Clone character trope) in the Gundam's franchise; it means that for the time being, the masked person was on the side of the main character. Normally the "Char's" character sided with the antagonists and he would fight the main character as his main rival in mobile suit battle. It was intriguing that this new "Char Clone" was taking a back seat as a Mobile suit pilot and moreover she had blood relation to the main protagonist; something that was never happened before in the Gundam Franchise


"Char clone helmet" version of Wizard from century

Also Guel had a nice character foretelling here. As the man who was considered the top Ace pilot of the academy, the installation of the A.I inside the cockpit was hurting his pride a lot. Why should he bother to get into the duel if he didn't had any control over the mobile suit. It seemed like playing a video game; expect you just watching the demo game play by itself so there was zero achievement on it. He grew up as a character too. Seeing how honest Sulleta was, he thought that the girl that had already beat him not only once but twice was no fluke. In the second meeting, he finally managed to regain the cockpit control and yet despite every set up made to make him winning the bout, he still lose. Meaning that despite her gender, Sulleta was an even better A.C.E. In addition to that, Sulleta didn't mock him for losing their first encounter and taught him as well not to run away. I  don't know if he really got totally smitten with Sulleta but one thing I could say is that Guel was not that bad as a person. He may be a jerk but he had a pride as a knight and as a man; He would rather accept defeat than won by cheating. In fact, I felt bad now should he got "sacrificed" at the end of the show. Something that I rarely felt for a secondary character who played an antagonist role.


The witch somehow managed to parry the blow using one hand only

Let not forget about our other main protagonist, Miorine. She might not be the pilot of the main Gundam but she was not a "wait and see" princess either. The moment she realized something was wrong with the heat detector, she instantly jumped into a maintenance like mobile suit to fix the source of the water showering device. Its show a strong willed character who was smart enough to recognize deception. At the end of the duel, she laughed proudly being able to outsmart her father's rule and proved to him that not everything should work on his way. She really makes me like this anime even more lol

Then the story of the reverse harem anime begins XD

The battle between Sulleta and Guel would do justice for a Gundam show . From the moment the mobile suit could protect itself (by using it bits to cover it's back), The beam rifle that lose it beams due to the artificial rain, how Sulleta tried desperate to stay on toes while her mobile suit already losing an arm and being gunned. There were no meaningless single battle scene here. We could witness how Sulleta started using Aerial's fin funnel a.k.a gun bits to counterattack as well as how Guel broke the A.I. system and manually control his Darilbalde to push Aerial back, these were no ordinary action scenes from your favorite Mecha genre. all steps were carefully crafted to make this episode stay intense till the end. The end part was amusing and make this already Yuri like Anime turned into a reverse harem anime in the making LMAO. I definitely love this episode and I think I Could still yapping if I wanted to lol Good job Sunrise ...See you again this Sunday.


Author : Cmonfrozen

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