Suletta Forgetta; The Witch from Mercury episode 10 Impression
Sarius Zennelli; the Foster father of Shaddiq as well as the head of Grassley Technology, went to the Cathedra demanding answer why Delling still allowed Aerial in the academy. After not getting satisfying answer from Delling's men, he went back only to meet with Vim Jeturk onboard the plane. Vim Jeturk ordered a wine for them and Sarius just rejected the offer as he was not in mood for drink. Vim said that the drink was a symbol of a pre-celebration; then he went closer to Sarius' ear saying that he was planning to assassinate Deling. It has been two months after the event of the Grassley team against the Earth house and the scene opened in Miorine's garden, in where Suletta had been tending the tomatoes. She was in a very good mood lately as Miorine trusted her with taking care of the garden while she went to do the business trip. As Shaddiq came to greet her, they talked about how long did Miorine jobs took place and Suletta thanked Shaddiq for postponing many duelists that came to take her position ever since she had won the last fight. Just as they talked Chuchu called her and instantly scolded her because she forgot that they would test the new prosthetic legs that Gund Army inc developed.
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Suletta is confirmed as a lesbian xD |
Suletta met with the Earthians accompanied with Ms Belmeria Winston from Peil technology. She worked as a tester for the prostetic leg designed for people who might had lost their leg. Suletta tried the leg with making it run and jump some obstacles. The test was a success and the Earth house was estatic with the progress. Belmeria said that the prostetic leg passed for the review and only waiting for health and safety standard. Chuchu praised Miorine for actually made the Gund arm Inc a real working medical company although at the beginning she was not sure with her leadership. The next thing they should be done is making a new PV yet it seemed that Suletta forgot to ask a permission for the new shooting location. Her funny way of speaking "Suletta..Forgetta" (that she forgot to book the place) had made her friends burst in laughter.. After the meeting, Suletta was putting a tick on her wish list which was written "tell a joke that made everyone laughing". Unknown to her, Nika stood behind and read it out which send her to further embarrassment. Nika glad that she had another wish list achieved and she asked if Suletta had another ready to be fulfilled. Suletta took two phone keychains with a small idol on it. One was in a red color with the word "hot" it while the other was in a blue with the word "cool" on it. She planned to give the blue one to Miorine so that they would have a matching keychain. When asked if whether she would love her present, Nika's gaze wandering as if she was not ready to answer that question yet she replied that she would be happy to. Suletta face said it all that she had started to fall in love for real to Miorine and accepted their engagement fully.
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Suletta testing the next Robocop project :D |
The scene moved to the other place in where Miorine made the company report to her father. Delling Rembran gave some scolding to her not to take the investor trust lightly. however, he also praised her cost effiency in handling the fund for a two months old company. After the meeting she met with Till (who accompanied her along) and the two of them look at the refurbished space ship that they would bring back to the academy. They just need to find a navigator to send it back to the academy and just then a familiar voiced said that if the next destination is no longer Earth. The lady who wanted to help Miorine escaped to earth; Feng Jun, stood in front of them. In private Feng Jun said that she could still take her to earth if she wanted yet she politely rejected the offer as she had already made a company and had to make company's report to his annoying father back and forth. Miorine told the lady that she must have after something as she knew that Feng Jun was the member of space assembly league. Feng Jun convinced Miorine that their jobs was only investigating on what they found out about the Gundam so Mio should not be worried about them. Instead, Miorine invited them to join their cause
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Cowwa-Bungga |
In the Grassley's room, Shaddiq and his squads were hearing the Deling's assassination plan from Sarius. Sarius didn't believe that Vim would actually make the plan worked. To his surprise, Shaddiq told Sarius to go along with Vim's plan as he knew that with Deling's out of picture, it didn't matter with the duel and holder stuff anymore as he was the planner of the academy's hierarchy. Sarius warned Shaddiq though that should he fail, he would lose his position in the house of Grassley. The scene moved to the Gund Arm inc employees (Suletta and her friends) did not get the permission to film their company's video in the rooftop. Suletta suggested that they used the dueling committee's lounge instead as she was the current holder; therefore she had a right to use the room. Nearby, Petra and Lauda were looking at them. Petra still hold grudge to the Mercurian girl because she was the cause of Guel's getting expelled from Benerit house. In addition, they were worried about him as he had gone missing for the past two months. In the other place, Guel had already change his identity as Bob and found himself work as a maintenance officer in a spaceship. After his father unenrolled him from the academy, he left the academy secretly and threw everything related to his past including his name and status as the ex- successor of the Benerit group. One of the ship's crew asking Bob to get ready finishing the job as they would carry a cargo at Plant Quetta, one of the Benerit Group's factory. He just sighed as he had to face his past sooner than what he expected.
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Our Best boy ..Please had a happy ending Bob the builder :) |
In the desolate Earth, a blue haired girl walked across a corridor that looked like a remnant of an old school. She entered a room where another girl was just watching the PV of the Gund Arm inch in her gadget. She mocked with how they made the video by imitating it. The blue haired girl whose name was Norea asked the other girl (Sophie) about the location of their leader Naji. She met with Naji in the Potato plantation and told him that "the prince" called him directly. Then, he contacted the prince; whom was none other than Shaddiq zenelli, and asked why did he contact him directly and not using the go between like usual. Shaddiq explained that the current situation was very important and he asked for his aid to eliminate Delling Rembran. In addition, he explained that the target would be in plant Quetta for the next five days and the security patrol in that area would be softened during that time. While initially surprised with Shaddiq's plan, he asked for the flight route and a meaning of transport for them. Shaddiq went outside his room and told his go in between person; Nika Nanaura, that her father figure send a regard to her. Back to Asticassia, Secilia Dote complained with how the Earthian was currently using the lounge as a filming area. The Earthians with Suletta were watching a video presentation from Miorine and they praised how well she delivered the presentation. They said the she was already at a different class from them and Ojelo remarked that one of these days, she would even grew beyond Suletta. Off course Suletta tried to deny that and saying that she was on the husband role in their relationship. Belmeria called Suletta to check on the Prosthetic leg again. Suletta thanked Ms Belmeria for helping them with the fine tuning since Ms Nanaura was not around. Yet, Bellsan replied that she would gladly help them anyway because they were really working on the same ideal that she had aspired to be. To use Gund Arm format for the good of humanity.
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This Camille wont punch you if you called "him" a girl |
Suletta walked back to the plantation with her hand holding the accessories; a smile was beaming in her face as she walked until she was startled with Elan Ceres greeting her out of sudden. He told Suletta that he already finished his business and he even praised her. Suletta said that something was off with the way Elan talked yet he brushed it off saying that she was the one that made him change. This Elan was very different as he moved even closer stepping past the boundary and touched her chin. As Suletta said that she didn't want to make Miorine angry, Elan replied hat the marriage between them was just a gimmicky wedding anyway and she (Miorine) never set her heart on it. Then, Elan took even more riskier move as he tried to kiss Suletta in the mouth. At the last second, Sulleta pushed Elan away and ran away quickly while saying sorry. Afterward, Suletta just could not believe with what she had just experienced. The person that she used to have feeling for had a very different persona and she seemed very frightening. In the Peil house, one of the 4 Peil CEOs just talked with the original Elan Ceres about their newest "Elan Clone" and she said that she liked him since he had a similar personality to the original; which was wickedly sinister. Back to Suletta, she noticed that there were two men inside the garden. She instantly entered the space and asked them to leave by pushing them away. They tried to explain but Suletta said that she had a responsibility to make the place clean from anyone.
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Elan number 5 really need a happy birthday A.S.A.P 😡 |
Just then, a door opened from the room inside and Miorine asked Suletta to let them be. She told Suletta that she had taken an initiative to come home earlier and asked the two men to take care of the garden from now on. Suletta was shocked to find out that she was easily replaced although Miorine told her that it would make less work for her. Miorine seemed more distant than ever since coming back from the work and as Suletta told her that Elan asked her for a date, she just calmly replied that it's ok for her to date him. Suletta just could not believe what she heard afterward as Miorine told her that he (Elan) would also join them as the second pilot in the company and work with Suletta as a work colleague. She didn't even look at Suletta face and talked as if there was no big deal. Suletta felt heart broken as she learnt the harsh truth that Miorine didn't think much about their relationship at all. The keychains that was in Suletta's hand fell of to the floor; the same accessories that she was so willingly want to give to her beloved friend.
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Miorine thought that this was the same Elan before. Suletta experienced first hand that he was not |
In the outer space, the Mothership where Bob (Guel) worked had unknown signals incoming . Those were two new Gundams with codename Lfirth Ur and Lfirth Thorn. The pilots were none other than Norea and Sophie those two girls from the Earth. One of the Gundam just flew near to the ship bridge and got its rifle ready. Back to the Grassley rooms, Shaddiq and his team were talk about breaking Benerit apart and they said that he had always wanted to do it for long time ago. The Communicator in the ship bridge told the crew that they were under the Dawn of Fold jurisdiction and they took the ship hostage. Bob just saw once more the thing that used to change his fate; a Gundam.
The episode may start on a happier tone yet it seemed that the dark cloud started to grew bigger in the horizon. First of all, Vim was about to do another assassination attempt. And this time he had Sarius and Shaddiq on his side ensuring that the next plan will be a success. The fact that Shaddiq went along with the assassination attempt means that Miorine was right all along. The long haired playboy really could not be trusted as he really had no problem killing Miorine's dad despite the fact that he already started communicating with his daughter. I felt like they want to break Miorine's heart soon by sacrificing him in front of her. Second, I'm seeing that there were so many interests within the three houses of technology in this anime. Vim Jeturk from the Benerit group wanted to assassinate Deling to get his position. Meanwhile Shaddiq from Grassley house had a different interest too. While he looked like he wanted to support Vim, actually he wanted to break Vim's company; Benerit group. The house of Peil also had their own interest which was getting the Aerial at their hand. However, the house of Peil was more cautious and wait for the right moment instead of joining forces like what Benerit and Grassley did. About the Dawn of Fold, they posed as the next opponent for Suletta in the next episode and their interest was not explained yet expect that they had no problem assassinating Deling. It seemed that they too had a grudge against him. I don't know where did the earth achieved the data to reproduce the Gundam Lfirth series. However, I speculate that Nika might send Aerial data secretly to her father figure Naji during her time examining Aerial. As for Prospera, the Mercurian Mama met with Deling just before the ending credit role started. Yet, her intention was still unknown at this moment. Did she call Deling Rembran to assassinate him personally? or did she actually try to save him from an assassination's attempt?
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When she started to smile more, the harder it is to see her cry |
his episode really made me excited with the Witch from Mercury world and tension building. Not only that there were possibility of a hell break lose on the next episode, the relationship between the main characters (especially Miorine and Suletta) might take a major sharp turn during the last two episodes in this season. Will their misunderstanding got solved directly ..or will it spiraling into a even bigger chaos. What will happen if Miorine see the man that he used to hate killed in front of her and the one holding the gun is Suletta's mother? Will it possible for Gund to suddenly started selling weapon instead of trying to save live after that vital event? So many possibilities but one thing is clear. The next episode will be so full with tension and I feel that soon more blood will be spilled. This episode delivered many good scenes and emotions. Suletta was confirmed that she think about Miorine more than we thought. The fact that her facial change while talking about her means that she might think of her more than just a pretend bride and groom. And by the end of the episode boom..her emotion was killed on spot. Another best thing happen in this episode was the new cast member Mr. Guel "BOB" Jeturk. I am so happy seeing his transformation first hand from a prideful and Jerk individual into a more down to earth person. The embarrassment he felt after losing and get treated badly from the other students had made a serious impact on how he treated other persons. He was not only complete as well developed character; he also look way happier than before and he had become selfless (cue of him giving the other crew the food first). As a viewer we got our emotion getting played with and I am glad that the writer really made us care with the characters. We got more involved in their struggle and emotion which means that the series was a big success on selling them. In addition, I thought this episode was closed with a good cliffhanger. The problem is we had to endure another two weeks to watch the next episode.