The anime
continues right after the last event with Leon ; the tiger-man, challenges the
survivor guild with a a contest named Arithmetic Bare knuckles. Arithmetic bare
knuckle itself is a team match combining mathematic equation and fist fighting
in which, two of the participants will duke it out in a battle of wits and
brawl. Two of the members from each opposing team will try to solve
mathematical problems; meanwhile the other two will do a fist fight one on one.
One rules states that each difference of ten scores in the arithmetic battle
will give the winner team free punches for the losing team fighting contestant.
It will make an easier match IF Tiana is the one participating in the
mathematical challenges. A random generator pick by the guild owner
unfortunately picks Curran as the brain force for the Survivor's side. It is a
difficult choice because Curran definitely not the one in charge of the groups'
financial problem and most of the times, she relies more on brute physicals
strengths rather than using quick wits on battle. How can someone who wields two handed weapon;
charging in the battlefield's frontline has to deal with numbers and equations
far from her expertise. The condition itself is pretty much makes her stressed
out and feels anxious and thankfully, the other members support and encourage
her to be more relax and focus more on learning.
If u were wondering why I put this as the first image 😂 basically I just learnt from Muse's way of giving thumbnail 🤣 Sexiness equals clickbait😂🤣😂 |
For once I
never thought that they will give Claudine; also known as Nick-ex girlfriend, a
background story since she is barely seen again after the first episode. Seeing
her past as she flee from her parents really makes the audiences know she used
to be a cheerful soul far from her current state. The anime explains her past
via a dream sequence in which she is born from a rich parent. Unfortunately,
due to a case of embezzlement, they lost their fortune. She narrowly escaped
from being sold by her parents and after that she starts to live on her own.
Using her beauty, she tries to ensnare any men who want to get closer to her
and scam them. One of the men she scammed is none other than the protagonist
itself or what we know as Nick. Off course, her way of gathering wealth via
scamming and extorting her "boyfriend" fortunes is wrong but knowing
her background, we finally know the source of her unhappiness and why she
decided to take the shadier path.
Vem..This is illegal you know |
The Survivor makes a fast meeting regarding to their upcoming battle. Vem starts his
investigation by visiting the brothel and asking the ladies there about the
Iron Tiger Corp's member’s habit. Another meeting started and they summed up
that most likely, the iron tiger will be using a telepathy gem in order to
cheat. Well, in the end, the opponent does use the gem to share questions which
makes the plot a bit "too convenient" and straightforwardly simple. I
thought there is a different way of cheating and this anime just follows what
the guild's members' expecting. This anime just follows one way route I guess. The
duel starts with Nick and Leon fought in a nearby squared arena. Nick knows
that there is a way to win without having to depend on the calculation;
therefore he tries to land his fists and fought seriously. Meanwhile, Leon
tries to buy time and evading most of Nick attack. He doesn't even try counter
attacking the incoming blows and goes full defense. Knowing that the opponent
tries to prolong the match, the other survivor members know all along that they
were up to something. Meanwhile, Tiana tries to scan the surrounding area using
a magic spell; hoping to find the whereabouts’ of the missing Iron Tiger Corp's
Cat-man got caught stealing dried fish XD
In the battle
of endurance, the survivor guild is at complete disadvantage. Nick fails to
land a knock out and he starts to lose stamina as he goes on the offensive.
Nearby, Curran's point still score lower to Claudine (who’s technically
cheating at this moment); making Nick has to endure free hit from Leon. Curran
feels uneasy and her anxiety slowly rises up because Nick keeps getting beaten
up. Fortunately, Nick's encouragement makes her spirit and confidence recover.
What really important here is currently Curran can get 80 and more correct answer to the mathematical questions; which by itself is an achievement
as Curran was unable to score more than 50 before. Nick says he is happy with
her progress more than anything else. Curran who realizes that she has
improving becomes fired up and lost her anxiety. This change of event actually
makes the other party especially Claudine anxious. Up to this point, she tries
to answer the questions with as little help as possible. And Curran changes in
behavior make her nervous so much that she lost her cool; demanding the other
member's (Beck) answers via the telepathy gem.
From Curran's perspective everything start with breakfast and end with dinner a.k.a F.O.O.D related
Tiana's patience at keeping eyes for the surrounding paid off as she
watches the faint light of the telepathy gems from a faraway tower. After
giving a signal to Vem and Kizuna, they visit that tower and apprehended the
last missing member of the iron tiger corps; Beck (whose supply Claudine with
the quiz answers). In the end, the Survivors reveal the Iron Tiger Corp's
cheating and makes all of them got apprehended. Tiana makes a remark that even
if someone has a terrible past doesn't mean they can't correct their mistakes.
The way Claudine keeps walking the "scamming business" (such as
making false story to gain sympathy) despite knowing it's wrong means she had
to take responsibility as a grown up in JAIL. The episode is just ok .it has a
good moral story as well as a side character background information. However,
the comedy part is unfortunately.. Cheesy
and not funny (yeah that's including Curran's stuttering mess). The part when
Vem talks with the lady in the brothel about "that suspicious man"
(which actually refers to Vem himself) also..well how to say tries to
sound funny but fail spectacularly🤧