Less Hilarious, More Essences I Love it

Less Hilarious, More Essences I Love it
No Game No Life Episode 9 Review

This week of No Game No Life truly entertains me with its creative storyline and motivation parts plus some interesting effect.
The episode was started with little Shiro, who in her childhood was sent into the orphanage. She was a natural born genius at games and while many persons taught her different games, no one could really entertain Shiro. One day Sora and his parents entered the orphanage and adopted her. Then, Sora greeted Shiro for the first time asking her to join him in the game.

Continuing last week episode, Shiro woke alone in her chamber and she knew that Sora was missing. Later, she asked Stephanie Dola and Jibril about who is the imanity ruler, which they said that she was the single ruler of Imanity. Knowing very well that Sora was real, she told them about the missing brother and how they could forget him. Jibril asked her to play chess and lose and purpose so she could forget about her brother.

Shiro " I am just giving a healthy dose of fan services for our viewer"

Just when she was about to lose, the imaginary of her brother told her that no matters what Blank never lose. Shiro won the game by changing her knight movement. After realizing about the game from the last episode between Blank against Kurami and Fi the elves, Shiro deducted that her brother was losing in purpose. Afterward, Stephanie Dola suddenly tripped over three othelo pieces that scattered in the floor. Shiro realized that the game from last episode was not over and Sora entrusted her with the three pieces to finish the game and to save his existence.

Shiro played the last three piece of the othello and won the game. Her winning reanimated her brother as well as making Kurami lost her memories. Sora told her that he apologized for disappearing suddenly. Then, Sora gave Kurami’s memories back and finally they reached an agreement and the loser party would become the winner’s spy.
Then Sora's number of Harem added

The episode truly gives important info during the airtime, which truly captivating me. Have you ever noticed why Sora and Shiro have different hair color? They are not related by blood or in other word they are adopted sibling. Their bond forged through communication with each other and their love for game; which accumulated over time.

The budget for this episode was so limited that they only paint the chess board ^o^
This episode was using a unique color palette to show how Shiro’s world turns into a black and white world without her brother. It reflects Shiro’s lost of spirit and the fear of losing Sora. After Shiro regained her hope, and with the sudden realization that Blank never lose any games, Shiro winning move turns the entire imanitys continent back into a colorful place. This reflects how Shiro’s regained back her spirit and motivation to move forward.

I feel the need to screen capture this part
No Game no Life, while usually hilarious and filled with comedy, can also make an episode that is serious but full with motivation. For example, Sora said that even if we were born without wing, we should create one to fly. It implies that even if our life stays the same, we shall never give up to create our own future. The wing embodies our passion, our dedication, or even our creativity while the sky embodies our hope and dream.
Sora’s speech about how people could not change themselves but their ways of doing thing truly captivated me. As an Individual, we are born with our own set of values that our family and friends give to us and then later the communities where we live reshape our way of thinking. As a unique individual, we can’t easily change our behavior or personality over night.
However, No Game No Life, in here represented by Sora, emphasized that we CAN change how we do thing. Even if we have wrong methods to solve problems, as long as we can change them, we can avoid repeating the same mistake over and over

Next time do not bet your memories again
The episode was finished with again another exaggeration moment between the sibling and the best friend. However, I was truly satisfied with the episode since I watched not only another fine episode of No Game No Life but I also learn some life lesson along the way


Author : Cmonfrozen

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