So many dead, I don’t even know who might survive in the end


Nobunaga the Fool Episode 21

With the series getting closer to the end, Nobunaga the fool didn’t take any brake to reserve the body count. First, the episode was started with Caesar asking Nobunaga to join him creating a perfect utopia in where every people would life in happiness. In the aftermath, Nobunaga’s refusal seems agreeable because sharing the world where every person could life without pain or strive is like creating a dull place. What is the fulfillment of life if you did not strive to get what you want?
Even The Great Da Vinci was angry with your attitude

Then we have Jeanne whose inconsistency angered me more than even her stupidity. She said back then that she would accept her fate completely but now she was thinking about fighting fate itself by trying to stop Nobunaga. She should know very well that nothing stop Nobu when he made a decision but now she wanted to stop him just because he reject Caesar’s offer. How Jeanne choose Caesar’s ideal world while she knew Nobunaga had saved her ass countless times was beyond me.
Last, we have the battle between Nobu and Caesar with Ichihime in Caesar’s cockpit. After defeating Caesar, the vampires that used to be Caesar’s allies struck and wound both Caesar and Ichihime. The episode was ended with their death and some screaming.

This is the third time you said ominous thing and may be the last

I knew from last episodes that Ichihime would not live till the end. So many dead flags were already spoken and her word from this episode clearly yell like “this is my last supper bye” but the thing that surprised me more was Caesar’s dead. He was supposed to be on par with Nobunaga himself but why did they make his dead quite cheap. Where is the same Caesar who, while in losing battle, suddenly turned the tables and activated the special regalia? But seriously he was dead because he could not see Nell attacks? With his agility he should at least give decent fight before falling to such cheap trick.
Even Nobu could crush Caesar with his hands tied between his back now.

Caesar... what are your offering???

Talking about cheap death, we could also see Nell and Bianca’s death. Nell struck Caesar, along with Ichihime and for unknown reason-Bianca. Then Caesar slashed Nell and killed his ex-allies with one blow. They were both non-human characters; to be precise they were vampires and yet they were killed altogether so easily as if they were just a tool created to justify Caesar and Ichihime demise.

three body counts confirmed

I have complicated feeling regarding this episode. The problem is both Ichihime and Caesar could not make me sympathized enough to feel sad with their passing.
Ichihime's dead was sad but it would become more effective if her death was sudden. With her dead flags rising higher than others, I could only guessing when she would meet her end. In fact, seeing her live by the end of the series would make me surprised (If she DID live in the end I would think Gonzo start trolling again)
If you did not say all those things I might cried till my eyes bleed

Caesar is one tough guy in this series but after backstabbing Takeda Shingen and killing Nobuhide karma would hunt and put him to rest. The chance of seeing Caesar live unscathed till the end is slim and only a glorious last battle death can redeem his wrongdoing (when his time come, we get the cheap one T-T)
The vampires, Bianca and Nell, have too little screen times that whether they live or not mean nothing to me. I feel somewhat happy because they finally got rid of the unnecessary characters but sad because their death was too fast as if they were not even vampires but normal humans.

Ok Miss fanservice you are hopeless

With so many deaths, I don’t even know how many characters will survive in the end. Mitsuhide already killed Nobukatsu and just like Caesar, karma could kill him either. If we follow the real life story, Jeanne will be executed or she might die protecting Nobu. Himiko death flag is already given and we just have 50% chance to see whether she survived or not. As for the enemy, it is possible that Alexander become the last person that Nobu fought and defeat in the final battle and even Nobu himself was not safe from heroic last scene death. As for Hideyoshi, he was death once but the possibility of another dead is still possible.

The only character I can gamble my money to live by the end of the series was actually Leonardo Da Vinci. For some reason he reminded me of Fudo Gen from Sosei no Aquarion or Aquarion Evol. He seemed more like an observer who know about the outcome of the events and his calm and collected nature, complete with his antique gestures, which reminded me again to Gen, made me certain that he might be the only man standing in the end.


Author : Cmonfrozen

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