Loli battle to the climax ^O^ No Game No Life episode 11 Impression


No game no Life episode 11 continued last week episode when both Imanity representatives discovered themselves in our current time. With the Blank sibling still frozen due to the stress of coming back to their real world, million life of imanity were at jeopardy. The funny thing is when Ino announced that the world is just an illusionary world; Sora regained back his composure and complained about how cheap the warbeast clan for using psychological weaknesses against them ;D.

Here comes the drama king
The game for this episode was the mixed game of First Person Shooter, love simulator, and tag match. The rules for the game: NPC Gals would try to catch the players while they shoot them with Love-Love gun and made them disappear leaving trail of hearts. In addition, should Izuna shot one of Sora’s teammates, she would become Izuna love slave until she shoots all of them. In short, whoever shoots all of the other team members became the winner of the game

Kurami's reaction was funny
The Warbeast clan only had Izuna as their representatives against the Imanity that consist of Blank sibling, Stephanie Dola, and The winged Flugel Djibril. Yet, she was a very capable opponent and she could bring more than trouble to the imanity representatives alone. In addition, her inherent six senses enabled her to sense a danger from very far places. For instance, when Sora tried to snipe her, she could sense the incoming bullet and use her robe as the shield. In contrast to Izuna, Stephanie Dola was more or less became the but monkey of the episode. Really I did not know why she should enter the game while her presence only worth as an experiment for Sora to test the Love-love gun. As for the spell that Sora put to her in last episode, we still could not see how it would affect the outcome of the game.

Ohh the moe level is over 9000!!!
One joke really got me hard when Sora realized that his love-love gun could make the clothes disappeared. As any “healthy” teenager would react, he tried shooting one of the NPC girl panties only for the girl to disappear right away when the panties start vanishing. Sora reactions afterward was priceless and it made Izuna felt angry with how he could still enjoying the game while his entire kingdom was in stake.

I was very excited when Shiro single handedly battle Izuna in a one and one shooting match. Even if she was not blessed with extraordinary physic like the, her perfect calcu
The episode displays some amazing 3D effect
lated shoot could bounce Izuna’s shoot away and it was amazing how she got the upper hand in the shooting match. In spite of her abilities, normal method could not defeat Izuna. Even if Sora, Shiro, and Djibril combined their power, they still could not hit her and she ended up putting the imanity in defensive position.

The dead flag in this anime is different with the other so don't take it seriously
Right before the end of the episode, Sora’s bullet finally hit Izuna. After he and Shiro revealed that Shiro acted as a fake love-slave in order to throw her concentration away. However, it seems that getting shot only excited Izuna more and her warbeast power grew tremendously before the end credit shows (aw -_-!). While it was clear that the next episode may be the last episode for this season, I thought No Game No Life was still far from over and the likelihood of season 2 is more than possible.

Author : Cmonfrozen

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