What happened to the last session finale @-@; Aldnoah Zero episode 13


I did follow the first season of Aldnoah zero but before I watched the second season of the series, I already expected many outcomes based on the ending of the first season. The first reaction that I got after watching the episode, I was basically staggered with how forced the series “resurrect” the ever genius main character; Inaho. In my mind I was thinking “ what the f*ck did the producers thinking for making him and the princess alive (she was half alive but still) after being mortally wounded with bullets. Not to mention Inaho got shot right through the right eye. Did they still followed the standard rule that main character should live for the second season? At the beginning, I was hoping they would introduced a whole new casts, a new protagonist and with some important characters like Slain to continue the war between the Martian and the Earth Federation. In fact, they even let colonel Zasbum lived through the second season just to make us know that the last episode of the first season was just a dream. Every person who was supposed to die in the last episode lived on period.
That is an armor piercing question
The new season took 19 months after the end of season one. During the time, it was implied that the war between the Earth Federation and the Martian continued if not escalated. As the result, The Earth Federation had lost most of its territory with the Martian already taking over the United States with the Eurasian still continuing a losing war. The Martian sent a kataphrakt (what a weird name to named a robot) that is capable to freeze every matters that came directly to its freezing range. Most of the Earth Federation robots were completely useless as they froze when the Martian grew closer. Fortunately, Inaho came using his trademark orange Kataphrakt. Like usual, he tested the enemy unit by sending a bullet and see its reaction. But I gotta admit that I am impressed with his method of using a grenade bullet to get closer to the Martian. The heat from the bullets' explosion made his Orange Kataphrakt stayed warm while its moved closer to the Martian and finished it of. Like usual his method was very risky but since normal method could not bring them victory, Inaho's presence could change the tide of the war
She also felt disappointed with how the story progressed

In the other place, Princess Ellysium, who loved the earth and befriended some of the chikyujins, declared the war on the earth. A sudden change of character for a peace loving person like her would make us knew that the person who stand in the podium was a fake. And in a brief moment, the princess turned into another person. Princess Lemrina. Her appearance was so sudden and she was never mentioned at all during the first session. The only clue that I got was he also have blood connection to the original Princess Ellysium
Where are thou before??

I knew I was quite disappointed with how they conclude the first season and started the second. The beach part also made no sense for me giving that the Martian had starting their invasion in the earth. Also, Aldnoah Zero started to use supernatural power with showing that the Aldnoah power could revive and heal Inaho. Then, to make him appear normal, he wore a mechanical eye instead of losing his right eye. I should stop complaining as it was just the first episode of the second season. I'll look for the second episode and gave my impression later.

Author : Cmonfrozen

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