Letty dream house and how it was a bit too perfect for him. Dragon house hunting episode 3 impression


Finding a perfect house is not an easy thing to do let alone finding it for a coward and small red dragon. Even in the real world, I don’t think that a house that completely suffice for living and gives complete comfort is possible and so is in the anime world. As I watched the third episode of the Dragon goes house Hunting, I realized more how blunt and over repeated the humor is. Yeah I admit that some scene had good heartwarming moment. Yet, another scene like when Letty got very embarrassed after lady in the painting read his poem was not…. funny. It feels so forced, unnatural, and for an anime with a focus on comedy that was a bit lackluster honestly.

At first it was cute; the up tenth time it was annoying

Letty, like usual was still your coward and extremely passive dragon and Dearia the bishonen elf worked as Letty guide on finding his dream house. After the failure from the last episode on the house searching, Dearia asked letty if they can stop by the crone lair. Letty instantly thought that it was another scary place and cowered in fear and hide on nearest bushes. I think letty cowardice can make viewers hate him because it was kept getting shown on screen as if he had no flame of courage left inside his body and because it was not funny, it can get annoying at times. I don’t know how the creator can think that using coward dragon as a main character can automatically induce laughter. It doesn’t work that easily though because for a good comedy to work, you need to create smart word/jokes or maybe you can add a bit of exaggeration in his reaction like .. for example, instantly turned his body and tip toing away from Dearia silently just after he told letty about where they will go.

Dearia is that kind of friend that shoot your dream off the moment you had them xD

Dearia told letty that he need to return the bed that he lent before from them (the crone). And he explained that the bed was kept inside a Doraemon’s like pocket which can save and store any item (well last week they parodied Ju-on now Doraemon). The Crone people themselves was like the three fate lady that appeared on Disney’s Hercules (although they were more like the old granny who gave Snow White a poisonous apple, who all have an eye patch on them). Some part of the joke about how letty afraid to dwarves since they made equipment from dragon’s body part was also shown again *yawn. The anime still replicating the same formula like the first episode that Letty was afraid to the dwarves (well in letty’s case, even a rat will appear like a ghost since he was an extreme coward).

B- for Drama, E for comedy xDxDxD

With Letty still could not find the perfect house, Dearia made an offer to build his home from scratches. After summoning the gnomes and the Ogres, They started to build his dream house. It was a good perfect cottage from letty’s dream though he still had to pay for the home materials. Dearia said that he should not worry about the payment because he already think about the payment. He purposely let the heroes (who appear on the first episode) to come adventuring on letty’s house. Dearia plan was allowing the heroes venturing into the house while he asked a help from a werewolf, a minotaur, and a lizardman to work as the home guardian. While the heroes went inside the house, the guardian will attack them and steal any possession/valuables that they had. It worked so well but it just goes extremely too well that every time the heroes got robbed, the rumor of a mighty dragon guarding a house was spreading across the land. Off course this rumor only attracted more and more low level monsters taking shelter in Letty’s house.

Oh I just can't wait to be kiinggg ///-///not

Letty who found out that he suddenly turned into a mighty king dragon who ruled over a famous adventurer spot felt the responsibility stressed him up. Without too many word, he decided to leave the house that he dreamed off until the elf catch up with him. There is still a sweet moment when Dearia told Letty that even if it took hundred years to find his house, he will continue to accompany him. It was truly heartwarming although…it was supposed to be a funny anime not emotional lol.  The reason why it took me too long for this episode review was because I just could not find anything peculiar about this episode haha. This episode was a disappointment for me..Same formula, same dragon anxiety, overused comedic pattern. Maybe a four out of ten is suffice..too bad Letty.


Author : Cmonfrozen

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